Dr. Lilia Shabab

Throughout the past years and now I keep improving my qualification through numerous courses in the country and abroad.

д-р Лилия Шабаб


  • In 2010 she graduated in general dentistry at the Faculty of Dentistry, Medical University of Sofia.


  • In 2022 she successfully defended his specialty in oral surgery at the Medical University of Varna.


  • Owner and founder of SHABAB dental clinic.


My husband and I are inseparable by children. Over 20 years we grew up, got wiser, but never stopped chasing our dreams and striving to evolve. That’s how the idea of SHABAB dental clinic was born. It is on the one hand the fruit of a selfless love for dentistry, but on the other hand also that for our children. We want them to one day be proud of their parents and of the fact that world-class dentistry is working in small Bulgaria. To see that when the desire is strong there are no unreachable horizons. And so SHABAB dental clinic was born – a combination of uncompromising meticulousness and precision in dental treatment wrapped in the comfort and warmth of a small family clinic. We know and are friends with every patient here, so every case is of paramount importance to us. Thank you to all patients for your trust and support over the years.


  • Dental aesthetics;


  • Implantology;


  • Periodontics.

Meet the team of Shabab Dental Clinic